Gallery of our meetings
2023 Brussels
Sunday 24 to Wedenesday 27 September
Theme: Your life as a Buddhist Teacher in Europe
2020 Online
Online Friday 23 October to Sunday 25 October
This is the report and a suggestion of regular meetings:
A total of 14 teachers took part, many attending for all three meetings. Throughout the meetings there was a general wish that we meet more, which would build friendships between us - friendships we could call upon at any time for any reason, rather than only meeting every year or three.
It was suggested that we try offering monthly dates to meet, with a more prepared meeting every third month when someone would introduce a discussion by presenting a short talk on a topic. So we will offer dates from November to April, with presentations in January and April. If you would like to present a topic, please tell us. There is, of course, no reason that anyone could not bring a topic to any meeting for discussion. We will review the success of this plan next spring.
We will begin with a Friday evening as a good time to catch people, if that would not suit you please let us know. We hope you feel like trying out these meetings, even though so much of our teaching activity is now on Zoom.
FIRST MEETING: Friday November 13th 8 pm Central European Time (UTC + 1)
Best wishes,
Susthama, Five & Kurt, EBT conveners
2019 Sangha Activa
29 September - 3 October 2019
2018 Adhisthana, GB
30 September - 4. October 2018
small meeting
2017 Warshaw, GB
small- meeting, 24 - 27 September 2017
Buddhist Modernism and Hybridity today.
Contemporary Europe is characterised by a number of discourses dealing with transformation processes involving Buddhism.
2016 Vienna, Austria
Vienna, Maha-Council (large meeting), Sep 25 to Sep 28 (3 days)
Hosted by the ÖBR - Austrian Buddhist Union
"Buddhist Inspiration in our Age of Crisis".
Talks by:
- Lama Shenpen “Mindfulness as the path to liberation”
- Ajahn Sundara “Mindfulness., different levels, mainstream & deep”
- Dario Doshin Girolami: “When blossom falls. A meditation course for grieving parents who lost their children”
- Lama Irene “Supported ending of Life - How do we as Buddhist teachers think and feel about that?”
- Kaikyo Sara Roby-Baranek: “End-of-life or assisted suicide”
- Sylvia Wetzel: Dark Night, Emptiness and Renunciation
- Marcel Geisser: Buddhism beyound "Ism"
- Yesche U. Regel, „Applying Buddhist compassion practices on social, ecological and other urgent matters" and a Tonglen-compassion meditation.
- Zarko Andricevic, Present crises in the light of Chan Buddhism
2015 Omega Institute, USA
2013 Karma Ling, France
As it was a Maha-Council (large meeting) stretching over 5 days, three topics were at the centre of exchange and discussions. “Authority and Transmission”, “Mindfulness in a Buddhist and in a Secular Context”, “Creating Community”.